Oblivion, A Utopian Novel

Elysia wakes up adrift in a canoe, with no recollection of her past or how she came to be nestled against a lush island atoll. Set in a far distant future amidst a utopian paradise, our heroine slowly begins to explore that beautiful society, learning how we got there and who she is in the process.

Oblivion is part of a two-book set: Oblivion: A Utopian Novel and its companion Oblivion: Essays Imagining a More Beautiful Future. Both the novel chapters and the nonfiction essays will be published for my newsletter subscribers in real time. When I’m done, I’ll have two books: all the research that went into imagining a more beautiful world. And that more beautiful world.

Obscurity, A Gothic Novel

Set amidst the wild palms of 1790s New Orleans, the widow St. Vincent appears in the wake of her husband’s death the wealthiest plantation owner in the South. But strange occurrences ensue in her wake and the town becomes obsessed with their superstitions about her. As they attempt to unravel the widow’s secrets, we find she knows something of their secrets as well and the philosophical underpinnings of their pasts all surface to haunt them all.

Obscurity was first serialized for my newsletter subscribers. The complete book is now available via Kindle.